Monday, November 7, 2011

Final Draft- Slums Affect on Human Population

 Slums are a run-down area on the outskirts of a city that are full of disease, poverty, and famine. Slums are a run-down area of a city characterized by sustained housing. Slums effect on human populations, the cause of global warming, and the over-crowdedness and unsanitary housing in which these slum dwellers live in and carry many diseases like typhoid. Global warming is caused by the pollution commonly found in most slum environments. The common landscape of any slum in the world is pollution, and the primary effect of pollution would be global warming.
Slums largely have an impact on the Earth's global warming because of the outcome of major pollution in slums. "The foul river carries not just sewage, but also chemicals from farming estates outside the slum." A river that creeps through the slum is a toxic disaster. Because of so much toxic waste throughout the city, it is all gathered in a river that runs through the slum. Not only is global warming a problem, but also unsanitary homes and living conditions. 
Many slum dwellers don't have the advantage living in a good, healthy home. ""We have a lot of problems because it's not a place where you can admire to stay, my dear. You can see yourself." "There are public toilets and water taps, but sanitation is poor with open sewers along the alleyways." Here a woman living in one of Mumbai's largest slums is complaining in a way to make someone feel pitiful for their living conditions. The woman, Musanga, is letting others know that the slums aren't a place of choice, for most. Because of sanitation, diseases sprout. 
Diseases like typhoid are common in these over-crowded, over-exposed slums. "It carries typhoid and other diseases that can be deadly, especially to young children." Typhoid and other deadly diseases are carried throughout the slums and effect young children. Through the many cons of a slum, a deadly disease like typhoid is greatly unappreciated and harmful towards children. After reading these sources, the definition, meaning, and effect that slums have on a human population has become less dense in a sense that now is understood.
            As mentioned before, Slums are a run-down area of a city characterized by substained housing. Slums effect on human populations, the cause of global warming, the over-crowdedness and unsanitary housing in which these slum dwellers live in and carry many diseases like typhoid.
            In conclusion, the next time you think about complaining that your minor headache is killing you, when in fact a child could be suffering through a disease without proper medical attention. Or that you have no money to buy those new pair of shoes that just came out, think of the hundreds of people that walk around barefoot in the narrow streets of the slums. Every single person in this world should be grateful for what God has given them, or for what He has taken away.


Blythe, Nils. “Mumbai’s slum life poses world problems.” BBC News Online. 29 Sept 2011. <>.

Eaves, Elisabeth. “Two Billion Slum Dwellers.” 6 Nov. 2006. 29 Sept. 2011. <>.

Fink, Sheri. “Cities of the Poor I: Life in the Slums (Kenya).” Public Radio International: The World. 29 Sept. 2011. <>.

“Urbanization.” World Geography: Understanding a Changing World. 29 Sept. 2011. <>.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Blythe, Nils. Mumbai’s Slum life Poses World Problem. Tuesday, February 26th, 2008. Business correspondent, BBC News, Mumbai, India.
Eaves, Elisabeth. Two Billion Slum Dwellers. November 6th, 2006.
Fink, Sheri. Cities of the Poor I: Life in the Slums (Kenya). December 18, 2006
World Geography: Understanding a Changing World. 2011

Rough Draft

Poverty is the very reason of the cause of slums. Slums are a run-down area on the outskirts of a city that are full of diease, poverty, and famine. Slums are a run-down area of a city characterized by substained housing. Slums affect on human populations, the cause of global warmong, the over-crodedness and unsanitary housing in which these slum dwellers live in and carry many diseases like typhoid. Global warming is caused by the pollution commonly found in most slum enviornments. Pollution is the main lasndscape of a slum!
Slums largely have an impact on the Earth's global warming because of the outcome of major pollution in slums. "The foul river carries not just sewage, but also chemicals from farming estates outside the slum." A river that creeps through the slum is a toxic disaster. Because of so much toxic waste throughout the city, it is all gathered in a river that runs through the slum. Not only is global warming a problem, but also unsanitary homes and living conditions. 
Many slum dwellers don't have the advantage living in a good, healthy home. ""We have a lot of problems because it's not a place where you can admire to stay, my dear. You can see yourself." "There are public toilets and water taps, but sanitation is poor with open sewers along the alleyways."" Here a woman living in one of Mumbai's largest slums is complaining in a way to make someone feel pitiful for their living conditions. The woman, Musanga, is letting others know that the slums aren't a place of choice, for most. Because of sanitation, diseases sprout. 
Diseases like typhoid are common in these over-crowded, over-exposed slums. "It carries typhoid and other diseases that can be deadly, especially to young children." Typhoid and other deadly diseases are carried throughout the slums and effect young children. Through the many cons of a slum, a deadly disease like typhoid is greatly unappreciated and harmful towards children. After reading these sources, the definition, meaning, and effect that slums have on a human population have become less dense in a sense that now is understood.
 As mentioned before, Slums are a run-down area of a city characterized by substained housing. Slums affect on human populations, the cause of global warmong, the over-crodedness and unsanitary housing in which these slum dwellers live in and carry many diseases like typhoid.
In conclusion, the next time you think about complaining that your minor headache is killing you, when in fact a child could be suffering through a disease with out proper medical attention. Or that you have no money to buy those new pair of shoes that just came out, think of the hunderds of people that walk around barefoot in the narrow streets of the slums. Every single person in this world should be greatful for what God has given them, or for what He has taken away.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Poverty is the very reason of the cause of slums. Slums are a run-down area on the outskirts of a city that are full of diease, poverty, and famine. Slums are a run-down area of a city characterized by substained housing. Slums affect on human populations, the cause of global warmong, the over-crodedness and unsanitary housing in which these slum dwellers live in and carry many diseases like typhoid. Global warming is caused by the pollution commonly found in most slum enviornments. Pollution is the main lasndscape of a slum!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dear Ms. Jaeger,
I have been having some difficulty with my laptop all weekend. I know my first Outline post was not complete, but now that it's up and running, i hope you will still give me full credit.

Thank you,


I. Indroduction
A. Poverty is the very reason of the cause of slums.
B. Slums are a run-down area on the outskirts of a city that are full of diease, poverty, and famine.
C. Slums are a run-down area of a city characterized by substained housing. Slums affect on human populations, the cause of global warmong, the over-crodedness and unsanitary housing in which these slum dwellers live in and carry many diseases like typhoid.
D. Global warming is caused by the pollution commonly found in most slum enviornments.
II. Defendable Point #1
A. Slums largely have an impact on the Earth's global warming because of the outcome of major pollution in slums.
B. i "The foul river carries not just sewage, but also chemicals from farming estates outside the slum."
    ii A river that creeps through the slum is a toxic disaster.
C. Because of so much toxic waste throughout the city, it is all gathered in a river that runs through the slum.
D. Not only is global warming a problem, but also unsanitary homes and living conditions.
III. Defendable Point #2
A. Many slum dwellers don't have the advantage living in a good, healthy home.
B. i""We have a lot of problems because it's not a place where you can admire to stay, my dear. You can see yourself." "There are public toilets and water taps, but sanitation is poor with open sewers along the alleyways.""
    ii Here a woman living in one of Mumbai's largest slums is complaining in a way to make someone feel pitiful for their living conditions.
C. The woman, Musanga, is letting others know that the slums aren't a place of choice, for most.
D. Because of sanitation, diseases sprout.'
IV. Defendable Point #3
A. Diseases like typhoid are common in these over-crowded, over-exposed slums.
B. i "It carries typhoid and other diseases that can be deadly, especially to young children."
    ii Typhoid and other deadly diseases are carried throughout the slums and effect young children.
C. Through the many cons of a slum, a deadly disease like typhoid is greatly unappreciated and harmful towards children.
D. After reading these sources, the definition, meaning, and effect that slums have on a human population have become less dense in a sense that now is understood.
V. As mentioned before, Slums are a run-down area of a city characterized by substained housing. Slums affect on human populations, the cause of global warmong, the over-crodedness and unsanitary housing in which these slum dwellers live in and carry many diseases like typhoid.
-In conclusion, the next time you think about complaining that your minor headache is killing you, when in fact a child could be suffering through a disease with out proper medical attention. Or that you have no money to buy those new pair of shoes that just came out, think of the hunderds of people that walk around barefoot in the narrow streets of the slums. Every single person in this world should be greatful for what God has given them, or for what He has taken away.

Friday, October 21, 2011


I. Indroduction
A. Poverty is the very reason of the cause of slums.
B. Slums are a run-down area on the outskirts of a city that are full of diease, poverty, and famine.
C. Slums are a run-down area of a city characterized by substained housing. Slums affect on human populations, the cause of global warmong, the over-crodedness and unsanitary housing in which these slum dwellers live in and carry many diseases like typhoid.
D. Global warming is caused by the pollution commonly found in most slum enviornments.
II. Defendable Point #1
A. Slums largely have an impact on the Earth's global warming because of the outcome of major pollution in slums.
B. i "The foul river carries not just sewage, but also chemicals from farming estates outside the slum."
    ii A river that creeps through the slum is a toxic disaster.
C. Because of so much toxic waste throughout the city, it is all gathered in a river that runs through the slum.
D. Not only is global warming a problem, but also unsanitary homes and living conditions.
III. Defendable Point #2
A. Many slum dwellers don't have the advantage living in a good, healthy home.
B. i""We have a lot of problems because it's not a place where you can admire to stay, my dear. You can see yourself." "There are public toilets and water taps, but sanitation is poor with open sewers along the alleyways.""
    ii Here a woman living in one of Mumbai's largest slums is complaining in a way to make someone feel pitiful for their living conditions.
C. The woman, Musanga, is letting others know that the slums aren't a place of choice, for most.
D. Because of sanitation, diseases sprout.
IV. Defendable Point #3
A. Diseases like typhoid are common in the post